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Some peculiarities of development of interrelations between nations.

a) Expansion Law

The motivation and intention to expand in order to achieve continuous quantity growth and widen their territory is peculiar to all bio- and socio-organisms and can be taken as one of the fundamental features of life.

And what about human beings? The Homo Sapiens has it, too, but in a more complicated form.

The tendency to export his cultural values(in the broad sense of this word) is as specific to nations as the territorial and quantitative expansion tendency of flora and fauna.

b) 3 levels of competition and struggle between nations.

The relationship between nations can be studied at 3 levels:

1) power-territorial;

2) financial-economic;

3) cultural-ideological.

On all these 3 levels the struggle (or competition) is conditioned by the features of the corresponding expansion tendency. It goes without saying, that in each concrete case the elements of all types of struggle are present, but to various extent and in various proportions.

c) Law of interrelation and transition of levels during competitive struggle.

At lower fundamental levels forces might become equal or, due to other reasons that makes open confrontation useless or not effective, the struggle is transferred to higher and more delicate levels, and vice versa. The victory at more delicate levels lowers the competitive level of the opposition.

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