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Peculiarities of Armenian NI.

a)Genealogy of Armenians

Our nation originates directly from the so-called proto-ariens and is their direct genetic and spiritual descendant, heir and legal successor of the natural habitat - the Armenian Highland.

As is already widely known, Armenian highland is an ancestral home of the Indo-European family of languages. The tribes-bearers of various dialects of the pro-Indo-European language have left the Armenian highland for various reasons, and have given a beginning to the various groups of languages of the Indo-European family. It is logical to assume (and it is being reconfirmed by archealogical data), that all tribes living on the territory of the Armenian highland belonged to the same anthropological type - armenoidal. And they had a general name - Arien. Till today some of these tribes have kept this root in their ethnonims - Iran, Alan (Aran), Armen, Aleman (German) etc.

The word "ARMEN" means "the people from tribe of Arien" (compare to the word. "TURKMEN"). Thus:

Armenians are those Ariens, who have not left the native HOMELAND and have lived there continuously from immemorial times till date.

b)The system of Arial-Armenian values:

In the book "The Great Initiated" Edward Shure wrote;

"Like all great legislators Rama has just formulated and developed the highest instincts of his race... Under the symbol of Aries his pupils have widely propagated the Arial law, stating:

- equality between the winner and the loser;

- abolition of human sacrifice and slavery;

- respect for the woman - the keeper of the family ;

- worship of ancestors;

- acceptance of the holy fire as a visible symbol of an invisible god".

All these laws are so deeply specific to our mentality that survived in our outlook until present times. Let's consider the first of those an example.

The law of equality between the winner and the loser was the most amazing, decent and eminent one among the Ariel laws brought to India by its conqueror - the leader of Ariel tribes Rama=Ram, or Aram [Petrosyan, 1997]. This principle has always been a peculiar feature of our thoughts, our perception of "evil" and "good". In the Armenian epic "Sasna Tsrer", after defeating Msra Melic, David does not enslave the people and the army of his enemy or lay them under tribute. He just says: "Go to your families, Go to your works". Nerses Armenian (the Archie-strategist of Byzantine) acted in the same manner when he liberated Italy from Goths. His monument erected in Italy has survived until our days. Contrary to all rules and laws that existed then in Europe, he did not enslave Goths (as Romans would have done). He let them leave the Apennines and return to their homeland. There are a lot of such examples in our history and literature.

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